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  • Writer's pictureBhogananda

Eros from a Tantric perspective

The world is filled with eroticism. And when I say eroticism, I say the real, natural one. The eroticism that can be felt by looking at the sky during a raining stars, in a tree which blossoms full of red, juicy apples, in the way the ocean kisses the sand no matter how many times is sent away, in two lovers that hug each other deeply. When I say eroticism, I say the Eros that blows your heart into happiness and fulfillment, that blows your mind into beatific emptiness, that blows your ego away compeletly.

The real Eros is what we will talk about today, since it is of real importance for the entire mankind and since it is an energy that we all can access and feel in our being – whenever we want.

For me, Eros is spring, it is a field covered with blossoming flowers, it is a garden of lilies and roses always facing the sun. Eros is a meeting of two lovers in those flowery fields, where the flavor of nature embraces them and involves them in a magical and mysterious space, where there is only the presence of their hearts and the presence of the Creator. Eros is the fusion of two lovers that give color to life, that exalt the environment that surrounds them, that elevate everything around them with the power that comes from God. Eros is, and always will be, an infinite sea of divine encounters, of moments engraved in eternity with sublime nuances, of nostalgic memories of the Lovers' Paradise.

Eros is defined as a universal force, a vehicle that makes all things strive for perfection, for sacred, for divine. It is a desire and calling of the soul that helps us remember what is perfectly beautiful, and, by a beautiful consequence, we give a step closer to the Truth.

The Tantrics see Eros as the path towards evolution, towards beneficial transformations, as something that will make us more aware of the Godly Reality.

Like all authentic spiritual paths, Tantra is a path of conscious evolution, which aims to arrive to the state of spiritual perfection and liberation, and reach to the source from which we all come. Therefore, they use this energy of Eros to accelerate their spiritual path, to have more inner resources and spiritual achievements. They use pure eroticism as a tool for their inner transformation (how smart are they?).

So, Eros is nothing more than an energy, an energy that comes from the Universe, from an endless Source, which is abundant and infinite – the energy of Eros will never finish, and will always be accessible to us – if we wish to connect with it.

And now comes the question, why should we connect with this energy of Eros? Isn’t it Eros this new wave of “intimacy” and sexual games and encounters that many people have been talking about and that we see on Instagram?

The answer, my dear, is no. Eros should not be used as a concept or even synonym for something sexual or for a common, simple sexual/intimate experience, ruled by desires and lower passions. That is not Eros, that is not an energy which comes from Above. That is pure sexual energy – the energy we all have in our being, and one of the creative forces we have access to.

But Eros has nothing to do with sexual energy. Eros is directly linked with something spiritual, something higher, something sublime: something where the ego doesn’t have space to enter and the things that exist are only sublime, refined, elevated…Godly.

Erotic energy versus sexual energy

And now comes obviously another question, which is, what is, than, the different between these two energies, the erotic and the sexual one? And what happened to this real Eros, the pure and holy source of sweet delight?

The tantric perspective distinguishes two fundamental creative forces that we can access to. The first creative forces is the sexual one, which has the purpose to procreate all species, both human and animal, for the sake of preservation of us all. The sexual force is instinctive, raw, animalist, with a downward direction. It is a dense, formed and individualized energy, connected to the instinctive impulses and having a selfish and inferior flavor.

We can recognize the sexual energy in our daily lives when we feel heavy, lazy, tense, goal-oriented, tired, contracted, in contact with frustrations, shame, guilt, impurities, selfish desires, when we are constantly full of fears and worries.

The second creative force is the erotic one, which is an uplifting force, the so-called liberating energy. It moves in the opposite direction: it goes from the most contracted, differentiated and manifested to the most liberated, expanded and free energy. The erotic force is the one that allows us to have contact with our soul, it gives us moments of godly inspiration and brilliance, it uplifts our spirit and has a sublime flavor.

We can realize we are in contact with pure erotic energy when we produce beautiful and inspired art pieces, when we make love in a sublime and elevated manner, when we feel light, free, connected, purely happy, fulfilled, open, alive, spontaneous, playful and expansive.

The main difference between these two energies is the fact that the sexual one blinds us, and the erotic one opens our eyes and leads us to the so needed real awakening.

In these modern times most people don't know the difference between sex and Eros, and usually these two concepts are mixed up. People might have some glimpses of Eros, here and there, but at the same time they have sexual behaviors that control their course of life, specially in their loved relationships.

The sexual energy is indeed necessary for procreation, but can nevertheless have some undesirable effects on our relationship as a couple, on our love life, and on sensuality and intimacy when we get involved in it and mix it with erotic energy and love.

Now that you know the main differences between these two energies, you can consciously choose to which of them you want to tune in. It is always our choice.

If you want to know more about eroticism from a tantric perspective, and how to master the control upon these energies, send me a message!

With Love,


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