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  • Writer's pictureBhogananda

The intimate practice with Yoni Eggs

Updated: Jun 19

Taoism tradition states that yoni eggs are a wonderful tool for enhancing femininity and sensuality. Yoni is the word in sanskrit for the female genital organ. Yoni means "cave", "holy temple", "fountain of life", "godly passage". Yoni is from where all of us come, and should be worshiped as a sacred space.

Since it is a godly part of a woman's body, it should be treated as such. The conscious practice with yoni eggs will give you an opportunity to change your relationship with your yoni, to increase your erotic power, sensuality and self-confidence. And the most important part: you will start having a deeper connection with your feminine energy and listening what your body tells you.

Practicing with this Taostist technique is something very profound and intimate; is a moment to be embrace as a ritual, as a gift you offer to yourself, a moment where you enter in contact with your feminine essence and give love and care to your beautiful and unique yoni.

How can a yoni egg help me?

The question that many of you asked: why should I use a yoni egg? In what will it help me?

Yoni eggs helps from an energetic point of view, but not only. This ancient practice holds benefits that can change your life as a woman. By practicing regurlarly, your energy will be regenerated; your chankras will be, to a certain extent, balanced; your libido will increase and your sensuality and elevated eroticism will rise and come back to life (if they were already awakened, you will feel these energies even more refined).

When you will make love you will feel more sublime pleasure, deeper and longer states of orgasm and the erotic energy will be felt not only in the yoni area, but in your entire being. By using an yoni egg you will become more aware of your erotic energies, orgasmic capacity and it will be easier for you, in time, to feel how they can be felt in all areas of your body (and bring ecstatic states of consciousness).

Yoni eggs can improve your pelvic floor and its resistance, strengthening your pelvic and vaginal muscles. You will also improve your urinary continence, the endurance of your love muscles and the erotic sensations. With stronger muscles you will have, during lovemaking, more blood flow in the genital area and, consequently, the enhancement of all erotic sensations and stimulation.

And because you will have more control upon your love muscles, you will be able to move your body in specific manners in order to have more pleasure and to control the intensity of sensations with great ease, according to how you feel in that moment. The pleasure will not anymore have control over you - now is time for you to consciously control the pleasure you feel.

So, which yoni egg should I choose for my sweet yoni? 

There are several gemstones that are advised for this spiritual practice but it is necessary to know the effects that each gemstone has in our body and being, what their resonance is, and to decide according to your individual needs and aspirations.

Jade is known to be a healing stone and bring health to the physical body, but specially to the female reproductive system. It has nourishing, grounding and energizing effects upon women who use it and has a powerful, yet gentle energy. Jade will be very good choice if your intention is to do yoni egg exercises since it has a solid weight and it has a high thermal conductivity, which means your body does not need to use a lot of energy to warm it up and make it confortable to use. This gemstone also gives a sublte protection for negative exterior energies.

Rose quartz is the gemstone that represents love, a warm heart, happiness and emotional health. It dynamizes and awakens anahata chakra while it opens the heart to unconditional love and to life. The energy of rose quartz is warm, gentle, calming and soothing - it has everything you need to take down all the barries and dissolve all the blockages you might have created in time, those barriers that create a distance between you and the beneficial and sublime emotions, and that block the flow of giving and receiving the Godly Energy of Love.

Dalmation is a good choice if you need to combat emotions of an inferior vibration frequency, such as sadness, melancholy, depression or any kind of destructive emotions (which, as we all know, is very common between women). It gives you a certain sutble protection against those states because it balances your yin and yang energies, bringing a state of inner equilibrium and awakening the solar aspect of your being. It can help you to reconnect with your playful nature, to bring joy into your heart and a calm state of consciousness.

Black obsidian is a gemstone that has a powerful effect of cleansing and purifying with transformational energy. It is used to help in processes of letting go and alchemizing traumas, it clears negative energy and emotional blockages that are stored in the body, which are, most of the time, accumulated inside the yoni. The black obsidian resonates with muladhara chakra (the root chakra) and brings a sense of grounding, stability, abundance, helping, at the same time, treating certain ailments of the female physical body.

Green aventurine is a "lucky gemstone". Lucky because it resonantes with vitality, opportunity and positivity. And when we manifest these attributes in ourselves, life will give us exactly what we are manifesting. It also releases stuck negative energy, disappointments and old patterns or habits that need to be renewed. The green aventurine will help you to make room for new energies to come, that will bring you well-being and will empower you as a woman.

And what is the best size to start with?

Yoni eggs mainly come in 3 sizes: large, medium and small. The large size is normally 35×50 mm, the medium is 30x43mm and the small is 25x35mm. As a woman you might intuitively feel which yoni egg will be the best for you and what is the right choice in the present moment. You can change the size at any time and with practice the change will also naturally happen.  

It is more common to start the practice with the large size and reduce its size gradually, over some time, since it will be easier to feel how the muscles grip it while doing the contractions. The large size is the heaviest, so you might feel it is hard to keep it inside your yoni for long periods of time - but don't panic, it is perfectly normal for beginners, and you can start practicing while laying down or sitting up. The best and simple option is to sleep with it every night.

The yoni eggs can also be drilled or undrilled. The drilled ones are recommended for beginners as it helps very much in the moment to remove them since they have a string attached to the drill. If you choose this option, be attentive to change the string frequently to avoid infections or bacterias. The undrilled yoni eggs are usually a choice for the advanced practicioners and to take them out you might try to gently bear down, and with the gravity effects, the weight of the egg and the natural secretions of the yoni your egg will come out on its own. If it doesn't work, you can also try coughing gently, which will increases abdominal pressure and allowing the egg to come out easily.

It is important to remind you that it is not recommended to practice with a yoni egg if you are pregnant or recently had a baby. It can be a beautiful, healing practice after childbirth but is necessary to wait a little while before jumping into it.

Yoni egg exercises

There are plenty exercises you can do with the yoni eggs but today I will share with you three of my favorite ones.

1. Bridge and wall pose

The bridge pose is done with you laying on your back with your knees bent and both feet on the floor. Your arms will be straight along your trunk and the palms facing up. You will lift your hips up while inhaling and doing a Kegel contraction (contracting the pelvic muscles), holding on for up to one minute. Then you will come down with your hips on the floor while you exhale deeply and loose the contraction, relaxing the pelvic floor.

The wall pose is done with you lying down, on your back, with both kegs pressed flat agaisnt a wall. In the moment you inhale, you will let your legs go in both directions, left and rigth, until they will be completely open, making a "V" shape. At this point you will also do a kegel contraction. When you exhale, bring your legs back to the initial position and relax your pelvic floor at the same time.

Repeat both movements as much as you feel and don't forget to always breathe consciously and being aware of the energies in your being.

2. Prolonged holds

Being the core of the famous Kegel exercises, the prolonged holds is a simple but efficient practice. Contract your pelvic floor muscles as if you wanted to stop the urine flow. In the moment you contract you will feel some pressure around the yoni egg, which shows you are doing it correclty. Make sure you are contracting only the pelvic muscles, not any other ones that are not required for this practice.

Contract and hold the contraction for 10 seconds and then release the contraction and relax for another 10 seconds. Repeat this sequence for few minutes and gradually increase the time up to 15 minutes. Afterwards do 15 repetitions of conscious deep breathing and a conscious relaxation of the entire genital area.

You can also make the quicky holds, which are with one second duration: contract and hold for one second, than relax for one second, and repeat in a 5 minutes session.

After this exercise is also recommended to make some sublimation pratice, to raise your energies into higher levels of your consciousness (for more details about sublimation and sublimation techniques, click here).

3. Meditation

Meditating with the yoni egg inside your yoni is a beneficial practice for you to become more aware of the energies of that specific gemstone and the impact that has in your entire being. You can sit with your back straight, in a confortable position, and with your eyes closed start to breath slowly, consciously, and direct your awareness into your yoni. Feel every part of her, every nuance, interior and exterior, every energy that flows from it.

Gradually increase your awareness and expand it to your heart, feeling how the two poles - the yoni and the heart - start to merge, in a sublte, wonderful embrace. Remain connecting yourself with your yoni and your heart and aiming to feel how to yoni egg awakens your yoni, your erotic potential and feminine power.

How to clean my yoni egg?

To clean and purify the yoni egg is an extremely important part of this intimate feminine ritual. The yoni egg should be cleaned before you start your practice: place the egg in a cup with salt and water, in a place where it gets natural sun light, for 7 days and 7 nights. After this, clean the egg with spring water and it is ready to be used.

After each use, clean your egg with a very, very mild natural soap or simply warm water. Repeat the 7 days salty water cycle every one and a half month, in order to clean the accumulated energies that are stored in the yoni egg.

Important note: these advices don't replace medical advice and are just guide lines for you to use the yoni egg if you are healthy. If you are pregnant, menstruating, have any kind of sexual infections or STI, had vaginal or pelvic surgery in the last 4 months or if you have severe gynaecological medical conditions the yoni egg practice is not recommended.

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